Program of Studies
Language Exchange provides this comprehensive and detailed explanation of its program to ensure that potential students and the public are made aware of the academic excellence upon which this program is designed. We encourage the public and those who are educators to examine this program closely and I believe, without exception, that you will realize that we are providing a thorough and efficient education for every student who makes the decision to study with us. We are committed to excellence!
The goal of Language Exchange is to provide every student the opportunity to excel in the learning of English. Our program has an excellent curriculum and a well-designed program taught by qualified professional teachers whose goal and mission is to guide every student to succeed. Students need to focus on their classwork and assignments and realize the importance of putting forth the effort, the energy and the desire to learn.
This means that a student must pass all courses with a minimum grade of 70% – 79% (C) or better. The grading systems is as follows: A=90%-100%: B=80%-89%: C=70%-79%: D=60%-69%.
A student who should fail to achieve the minimum 70% (C) in a course, will have ONE opportunity to repeat the same course and to achieve the 70% grade. If a student should fail to achieve “Satisfactory Academic Progress” after two attempts, the student will be asked to leave the program.
Students are reminded, that over the length of their enrollment at Language Exchange International, a student can only take advantage of the opportunity to repeat a course ONE (1) time and, there can be no more than THREE (3) courses repeated. Any student reaching a FOURTH (4th) time, will be dismissed from the program.
A student who successfully achieves a grade of 70% or higher in both Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking courses has demonstrated that they have achieved the Student Learning Outcomes for that level and will be advanced to the next level at the beginning of the following term. Success!
Each of the Levels requires 16 weeks to complete. A Grade/Progress Report is issued at the 8th week and the 16th week of the course.
Language Exchange International offers 8 levels of instruction, labeled from Introduction to Level 6a, 6b and 6c. Expected proficiency and achievement is explained in the table below. The scale below summarizes the student learning outcomes which you should achieve at the end of a level. Your progress report will indicate the level that you have completed.
Upon completing this level, students will be able to read and comprehend simple texts and recognize high-frequency vocabulary in context. They will participate in conversations about personal and everyday topics, using proper stress, intonation, and rhythm of speech, and understand spoken texts on familiar subjects. They will also develop the ability to write cohesive paragraphs on familiar topics while demonstrating emerging control of grammatical structures with few inconsistencies.
By the end of this level, students will confidently read and grasp the main ideas of various texts, participate effectively in short conversations, and understand key points in oral communications. They will also prepare and deliver brief impromptu presentations using descriptive language and appropriate grammar. Additionally, they will produce coherent and cohesive written responses across different text types and demonstrate improved control of grammatical structures with only minor inconsistencies.
At this level, students will be able to read and analyze a wide range of extended texts, listen to and identify general and specific information from audio passages and lectures, and engage in extended conversations with fluency. They will articulate ideas and opinions effectively and construct multi-paragraph texts that are coherent, cohesive, and fully developed. Students will also demonstrate consistent command of a broad range of grammatical structures.
Students completing this level will understand the main ideas and details of complex texts, including tone and the writer’s purpose. They will engage in fluent, spontaneous conversations, facilitating regular interactions with native speakers. Furthermore, they will develop skills to produce clear, detailed texts on diverse subjects and explain viewpoints on topical issues with confidence and clarity.
By this stage, students will read and interpret a wide variety of demanding and detailed texts, understanding both literal and implicit meanings. They will express themselves fluently and spontaneously with minimal effort, using language effectively across social, academic, and professional contexts. Additionally, they will produce clear, well-structured, and detailed texts on complex subjects, showcasing control over organizational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices while demonstrating a mastery of varied sentence structures.
Graduates of this level will read and comprehend virtually any academic text with ease, identifying main ideas and details while making inferences. They will summarize and present information coherently to audiences, reconstruct arguments from diverse spoken sources, and express themselves with exceptional fluency and precision. These skills will allow them to differentiate finer shades of meaning in complex academic discussions and texts.
At this level, students will confidently understand and interpret texts and spoken sources related to business topics, including case studies, articles, and presentations. They will identify main ideas, differentiate facts from opinions, and summarize information from diverse sources. Additionally, they will develop proficiency in writing effective business emails and memos with clarity, accuracy, and readability. Students will refine their ability to argue persuasively, clarify complex ideas, respond thoughtfully to feedback, and demonstrate fluency and precision in business communications.
Students completing the EHT level will develop the ability to understand and use key vocabulary and expressions relevant to the hospitality and tourism industry. They will engage in structured oral communications to provide and obtain essential information, practicing WH questions, polite customer interactions, and appropriate pronunciation. Additionally, students will learn to write clear, concise sentences tailored to professional scenarios, building towards cohesive paragraphs while demonstrating foundational control of essential grammatical structures and industry-specific terminology.
If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to reach out to the Academic Coordinator for assistance.
Gerald J. Luongo, PhD